to our Facilitator Training!
This is a comprehensive training program providing students with detailed instruction, in theory, practice, and methodology of Systemic Constellation work.
It is an open enrollment program allowing students to start the program at any point in time and complete each module at their own pace and convenience.
This training is FOR YOU …
– if you wish to gain some deeper insights into the nature of your personal, relationship, business, and health-related issues;
– if you are in therapy/counseling and wish to put the process of change and healing in the fast-lane;
– if you feel stuck in some areas of your life but hesitate to commit to counseling or coaching;
– if you are new to self-development and wish to receive a strong impetus to take charge of your life;
This training is FOR YOU if your are a professional therapist, counselor or coach and …
– wish to gain a distinctly new perspective on any issue your clients are looking for help with;
– wish to learn new theoretical perspectives, new skills, new practices that you can integrate into your work;
– wish to have a comprehensive training in Systemic Family Constellations and Organizational Constellations.

This training is NOT FOR YOU …
– if you suffer from any severe psychiatric disorder;
– if you are looking to replace professional medical or mental health treatment for any severe condition you might have;
– if you are looking for some easy fix in your life;
– if you wish to enter the helping/healing professions without appropriate credentials, training, skills and experience.
Curriculum - Thematic Modules
Mandatory Modules
In this module we will become familiar with all the basic concepts of Bert Hellinger’s work.
We’ll look at the life and work of Bert Hellinger and the history of Systemic Family Constellations.
To be able to find the correct place and position of Systemic Constellation work in the big and complex family of psychotherapies and coaching techniques, we’ll learn about some other major schools of psychotherapy.
We will also learn to understand what is meant by the phenomenological approach.
We will explore in detail the most important concepts and principles of Hellinger’s ‘systemic laws’: place, belonging, order, balance of give-and-take, family conscience vs. personal conscience, systemic entanglements, the concept of heavy fate, the phenomenon of the knowing field, representative perception, etc.
As one of the its most important foundations, we’ll examine the ethics of constellation work.
Finally, we will take an introductory glance into some modern approaches – just to see what can be considered today as classic vs. modern.
And we’ll take a glance into the scientific foundations of this work, too.
Course Breakdown:
- Bert Hellinger & the History of Systemic Family Constellations
- Systemic Constellations in Relation to Other Schools of Psychotherapy
- The Phenomenological Approach
- Modern Approaches
- Scientific Research
- Fundamental Concept & Principles – Hellinger’s “Systemic Laws”
- Law of Place – Belonging – The community of Fate
- Law of Order – Hierarchy
- Law of Balance – Give-and-Take
- Family Conscience vs. Personal Conscience
- The Knowing Field
- Heavy Fate
- Systemic Entanglements
- “Better me than you”
- Representative Perception
- Ethics of a Constellation
- Modern Approaches
- Scientific Research
Course Breakdown:
- The Interview
- Defining the “System” and its “Elements”
- Representative Perception
- Meaning of Positions
- ‘Diagnostic’ Phase
- ‘Resolution’ Phase
- Verbal Statements and Rituals
- Conclusion – Sharing – Discussion
- Trouble Shooting
- Leading a Workshop – Basic Principles
Course Breakdown:
- General Systems Theory
- Basic Rules and Principles of Systemic Functioning
- Influential Schools of Psychotherapy and Family Therapy
- Basic Principles of Family Dynamics
- The Phenomenon of Transgenerational Transmission
- Transgenerational Trauma – Mainstream Psychology
- Transgenerational Trauma – Hellinger’s Concepts
- Research – Epigenetics – Neuroscience
- Leading a Workshop – Basic Principles
Course Breakdown:
- Basic Concepts and Principles of Organizational Systems
- ‘Diagnostic’ Phase
- ‘Resolution’ Phase
- Overlap Areas of Personal and Organizational Systems
- Business Coaching and Constellations
- Corporate Coaching and Constellations
- Political & Multicultural Constellations
Course Breakdown:
- Money Constellation
- Problem Constellation
- Field Constellation
- Tetralemma Constellation
- One-Image Constellation
Course Breakdown:
- Table Constellation
- Hidden Theme Constellation
- Miracle Constellation
- Goal Attainment Constellation
- Life Strategy Constellation
- Archetypal Constellations
We experience our intimate relationships as one the most important sources of our life satisfaction and happiness. Consequently, if they fail to fulfill this promise they can cause immense grief and suffering.
In Part 1 of this Thematic Module, we will explore the life cycle of a relationship, the mirroring and complementing functions of a relationship, some important aspects of adult attachment, faithfulness and infidelity, as well as Hellinger’s systemic laws as they pertain to relationships.
We’ll also look at various phenomena related to sexual intimacy and pregnancy (miscarriage, abortion, artificial insemination, donor-conceived pregnancies, childlessness, adoption, etc.) as well as gender issues and non-traditional family formations.
Course Breakdown:
- Life Cycle of a Relationship
- Hellinger’s “Systemic Laws”
- Belonging/Place – Previous Partners, ‘Place Makers’
- Hierarchy/Order/Arrival
- Balance of Give-and-Take
- Infidelity
- Guilt-Debt
- The Mirror Function of a Partner
- complementing / reinforcing
- substituting / projecting, disowning
- projective identification
- shared blind spots
- Pregnancy
- Miscarriage
- Abortion
- Grieving a Child
- Childlessness
- Twins
- Adoption
- Gender
- Artificial Insemination
- Donor-Conceived Pregnancies – Anonyme Donors
- Mosaic Family
- Children of Stepparents
- Adoption
Building on Part 1 of this Thematic Module, in Part 2 we will focus on how our early attachment patterns influence our adult attachments, and how we carry our earlier relationships into our later relationships as internalized parts of our personality.
We will explore how these early relationships influence us if we live in an intercultural relationship and how we can handle our conflicting loyalties to different countries, religions, ethnic and historical backgrounds, etc. within our intimate relationships.
Finally, we will look at what happens to us psychologically when our relationships are threatened by loss, infidelity, breakup, or divorce, and how to keep our lives on an even keel in these difficult times.
Course Breakdown:
- Attachment Styles – Attachment Trauma
- Infidelity – Bonding Trauma
- Break-Up & Divorce
- Intercultural Relationships
- ‘Internal Teams’ of Relationships
In this workshop, we will explore Hellinger’s systemic laws as they pertain to the relationship between victims and perpetrators and the balance of give-and-take, as well as the concepts of sin, guilt, debt, penitence, atonement, apology, responsibility, respect, reconciliation, etc.
We will also look at the abuse cycle, domestic violence, and transgenerational family secrets.
Course Breakdown:
- Family Secrets
- Balance of Give-and-Take
- Sin, Guilt, Debt
- Penitence – Apology – Respect – Reconciliation
- Owning One’s Responsibility
- “I did it for you”
- The Abuse Cycle
Course Breakdown:
- Jungian Concept of Archetypes
- Jungian Concepts of Ego and Self
- Archetypal Work and Constellations
- Autopoietic/Transpersonal Constellations
- “Movements of the Soul” – “Free” Systemic Constellations
Course Breakdown:
- Subpersonalities / Inner Selves / Ego States
- Developmental Phases as Subpersonalities
- Defense Mechanisms as Subpersonalities
- Internal Representations of the External World
- Internal Representations of the Body
- Internalization – Introjection – Identification
- Projection – Splitting
Course Breakdown:
- Personal Unconscious
- Collective Unconscious – Archetypes
- Working with the “Shadow”
If there is one specific theme that Family Constellation Therapy is uniquely good at, it is definitely trauma. More precisely: how traumatic experiences are unconsciously being passed on and taken over within a family system – often from generation to generation.
In this module, we will explore what “trauma” actually means, how it is processed and stored in our nervous system and in the biochemistry of our body, and what consequences it might have. We will look at different types of trauma and at how to approach them in therapy.
We will also get familiar with the notion of transgenerational trauma: when we carry ‘memories’ or ‘imprints’ of trauma in our psyche that didn’t happen in our own life but originate from the lives of our parents, grandparents and other ancestors.
We’ll investigate what it might mean for us to have been raised by traumatized parents, and how it might affect our attachment patterns. We will also talk about collective traumatization.
Finally, for a scientific foundation of our investigations, we will look into what modern research (psychology, neuroscience, epigenetics, etc.) has discovered so far about the transgenerational transmission of traumatic experiences.
Course Breakdown:
- The Nature of Trauma
- Different Types of Trauma
- Living with Traumatized Parents
- Attachment Styles – Attachment Trauma
- Trauma and the Body
- Epigenetics – Neuroscience
- Research
In this module, we will start by reviewing the most important psychodynamic principles behind the formation of psychosomatic symptoms and illnesses. Then, we’ll go on to look at the unconscious systemic dynamics that the technique of Systemic Constellations seems so apt at shedding light on.
We will not only examine how to explore and reveal the roots and causes of certain symptoms, but also learn techniques to work with body parts and body organs, with various different treatment options, with the members of a client’s treatment team, etc.
We will also explore possible combinations of the technique of Systemic Constellations and other body-oriented psychotherapies (Somatic Experiencing, Somatodrama, etc.).
Course Breakdown:
- Psychodynamic Principles of Psychosomatics
- The Meaning and Function of Symptoms
- Symptom Constellation
- Work with Body Parts
- Work with Treatment Teams
- Work with Treatment Options
Optional Modules
Course Breakdown:
- Table Constellation
- Value System Constellation
- Quadrant Constellation
- Beliefs Polarity Constellation (Value Quadrant)
- Screenplay (Script) Constellation
Course Breakdown:
- Archetypal Constellations
- Birth Constellation
- Sentence Constellation
- “Free” Constellation – Movements of the Soul
Course Breakdown:
- Constellations and Transactional Therapy
- etc.
Course Breakdown:
- Internal Representations / Object Relations
- etc.
Course Breakdown:
- In Person
- Online
- By Oneself
Course Breakdown:
- Children and the Unconscious
- Communication with Children
- Birth
- Siblings
- Twins – Vanishing Twin Syndrome
- Unborn Children
- Children and Grief/Loss
- Divorce, Step-Families, Adoption
- Psychosomatic Symptom Development
- Gender Issues
Course Breakdown:
- Working with “Spiritual” Concepts
- Ego-Self Constellation
- Heart-Wish Constellation
- “Free” Systemic Constellation
- 4 Dimensions
- 4 Elements
Course Breakdown:
- Working with Grief and Loss
- The Various Stages of Grief
- “Life” and “Death” in Constellation Work
Course Breakdown:
- Birth Constellation
- The Four Stages of the Birth Matrix – Basic Perinatal Matrices (Stanislav Grof)
Course Breakdown:
- Political Constellations
- Social/Collective Trauma
- Conscious/Unconscious Loyalty to
- Tradition
- History
- Cultural Identity
- Religion
- Race
- Gender
- Nationality
- Ethnicity
- etc.
Course Breakdown:
Course Breakdown:
Course Breakdown:
Course Breakdown:
Structure of the training
Thematic Modules
Thematic Modules are short (3 hrs) but intensive educational and experiential units focusing on one topic or area.
Each module consists of a lecture, some skills training, practical exercises, self-experiential exploration, as well as possible home assignments.
Family/Organizational Constellations Workshops offer participants a safe and confidential space to work on any personal, relationship, life situation, career, or business issue with the help of the group (representatives) and the group leader.
The workshops are open to any participant on a one-off basis, no longer-term commitment is required.
Group Supervision
Group Supervision sessions are for those participants (students) who are planning to facilitate constellation work in their own practice. In these sessions, students can take their first steps toward running real-life constellations with the help of a trained therapist/supervisor. Participants work on their own issues by choosing a peer facilitator. If needed, the supervisor provides help and guidance.
Peer Practice
Peer Practice sessions are organized by groups of students without the presence of a trained therapist/supervisor.
In these sessions, students work on their own issues by choosing a peer facilitator. If needed, the peer group provides help and guidance.
Observation of Other Practitioners is organized by each individual student based on their own interests and on availability of other constellation practitioners. The goal is for future facilitators to get familiar with a number of different styles and approaches of constellation work.
Theoretical and Practical Units to be completed within 2 years:
14 Mandatory Modules 42 hrs
6 Optional Modules 18 hrs
20 Fam/Org Const workshops 100 hrs
Group Practice/Supervision 20 hrs
Peer Practice 40 hrs
Observation of Other Practitioners 3 days
Final Exam:
2 Written Case Studies
2 Constellations
Oral Theory Exam
The Modules and Workshops can be completed at any time, in any order.
Each Mandatory Module will be offered at least once within the requested time period of 2 years.
Modules will occasionally be offered based on student request.
Family & Organizational Constellations Workshops:
clients: $160 / workshop
representatives: $ 60 / workshop
Thematic Modules: $ 80 / module
Day Pass (module & workshop):
clients: $200 / day
representatives: $120 / day
Group Supervision: $ 60 / session / person
Peer Practice: free
Student Pass (4 days / semester) $720
Student Pass Add-On (each additional day) $180 / day
Certificate of Attendance
A Certificate of Attendance will be issued after the completion of every single individual event.
The certificate will include:
– the name of the module/workshop
– the exact number of hours attended
Certificate of Completion
A Certificate of Completion will be issued after the completion of the entire Training.
The certificate will include:
– a full list of all events completed
– the exact number of hours attended
Systemic Family & Organizational Constellations – as most psychotherapeutic techniques – are taught by various different individuals, institutions, associations, and professional organizations throughout the world. There is no standard training, no standard certification, and indeed no accreditation authority to assess and compare the many different schools and training programs that are offered internationally in Systemic Constellation work.
This training does not confer to students the title of a ‘therapist’ which can only be acquired through an accredited academic training and state licensure in psychology, mental health counseling, clinical social work, psychotherapy, and similar disciplines in mental health.
The Certificate of Completion is not a professional degree in its own right, rather it is a certificate showcasing your personal and professional accomplishment. It can be used in conjunction with other degrees, certificates, licenses, and titles in mental health and business/executive coaching.
Ways of participation
Participation in the Constellation Workshops and the Thematic Modules is open to any participant.
The Thematic Modules are separate from the Constellation Workshops. You can participate in one, or the other, or both.
Throughout the entire Curriculum, you can participate in one event, or in several or all events.
You don’t have to commit to the Facilitator Training to attend a Thematic Module or a Constellation Workshop.
You can attend any Module or Workshop you are interested in.
If you wish to train as a facilitator in Systemic Constellations, please check out the requirements above.
You can complete all modules, workshops and other events at your own convenience: at any time, in any order.
The Mandatory Modules will be offered at least once within the required 2-year period, but – based on student demand – can be scheduled more than once. This applies to all other events and requirements, too.
One of the best parts of participating in any of our events is that you instantly and automatically become a part of a wonderful community.
No commitment is required – yet the people you share the experience of a constellation with will most likely stay in your mind and heart for a long time.
We are a bunch of people interested in learning about ourselves, about the human mind and the human condition, and who are interested in exploring, experimenting, and discovering.
Even more so, we are interested in having fun together and connecting with each other on a really deep level.
And did I mention having fun together …? 🙂
Dr. Anna is a wonderful teacher. Her theoretical knowledge and clinical experience are really impressive. In her workshops I thought she was only super intuitive. But it turns out she is super smart, too!
Anna’s ability to use metaphors and analogies to explain even the most complex concepts is just awesome. Her way of speaking in metaphors is an art form in itself, and not only the highest level of education but also pure entertainment.
She is funny, creative, and can turn everything into something humorous! A great teacher indeed!
I’ve been participating in family constellations for years, but I’ve never comprehended this strange yet ever so awesome technique. Anna has the rear abiliy to break it down for you and take you through it step by step.
Also, she can translate everything into the technical terms of main stream psychology which immediately makes things seem so easy and obvious.