
Systemic Constellations

Leah D. - New York

I am Jewish, and never before have I felt so close to my family and my people – many of whom died in concentration camps – than in this workshop with Anna.

I am still speechless, … it was an unbelievable experience! How is all this possible?

And never before have I realized how closely related my lifelong struggles with anxiety and depression were to my family’s past! This could be really scary if it wasn’t so heartwarmingly beautiful.

What an incredible journey! What a transformative experience! Thank you so much!!!  

George P. - Long Island

I grew up as an only child but in my last constellation it seemed that I might have a brother whom I never heard about. I thought this was really crazy but I asked my parents, and it turns out that three years before I was born they had a son who lived only for a few weeks! They never told me about him, I never knew I had a brother! How crazy is that? I never knew, yet it seems that somehow I did, because in my constellation he was suddenly there!

And what is even crazier is that since this constellation I never had another drink! I just don’t need it anymore. This is big! Thank you!

Helmut K. - Vienna

Anna is the best family constellations therapist I know. She is so funny and so down to earth, yet when she starts working she is like a wizard. She perceives things that nobody else does, … she is like Lt. Colombo or detective Monk! 🙂


I am so happy I’ve found Dr. Anna in NYC! Coming from Europe, I am really surprised how difficult it is to find a family constellations workshop in New York. However, coming from Europe, I am also surprised that some of my best constellations experiences have actually happened here in Anna’s workshops!  

She is so sensitive, and so intuitive! Also, she seems to be mixing her expertise in clinical psychology with the techniques of constellations therapy, and what comes out seems often nothing short of magic, really.

Individual Psychotherapy

Maria D. - New York

Having met Dr. Anna is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. I had been in therapy for over a decade with various counselors, but now I know the difference between a therapist and a Therapist. She is warm, compassionate and creative, no two sessions are the same, and she seems to have an incredible repertoire of techniques at her disposal. She is always goal-oriented, makes sure that results are really happening, and always explains everything so clearly as you have never heard and never understood before. She has the greatest sense of humor, her academic knowledge is amazing, and her fine-tuned sensitivity boarders on the mystical. Yet she is always funny, down to earth, and real. I’ve never laughed so much in therapy sessions before! 🙂 I am so grateful, … because I am finally discovering what “free” and “happy” really mean!

Michael K. - New York

Beautiful office, patient listener, good advice, overall a great experience.

John M. - London

Dr. Anna is a really unique and charismatic personality in the field of psychotherapy. I am a professional myself, and I’ve never seen a therapist so knowledgeable and skillful in so many different techniques. Her sense of intuition is beyond comparison, and her sense of humor makes you always forget that you are dealing with the most painful issues of your life.

Watching her work is like looking at a swan or an eagle and thinking that flying is easy! 🙂

Sophia K. - Michigan

Seeing Dr. Fekete has been nothing short of transformative. I came in thinking my weight issues were all about will power and feared a therapist would either judge me harshly or conversely, dismiss my responsibility entirely (there, there, overeating is not your fault). But, I found Dr. Fekete’s personality so warm and friendly… so approachable, that my concerns just evaporated. Instead of judging me, she opened up a safe space for me to see how I judged and defeated myself. And, instead of pandering to my sense of hopelessness, she helped me formulate concrete steps with realistic and sustainable goals. Actually, her support allowed me formulate my own plan, giving me full ownership of the process. I’m now able to notice and let go of the inner turmoil experienced every time I’d sit down for a meal (or remain standing and eat fast so it wouldn’t count). This experience has been so empowering!!! I came for help with weight loss but came away with so much more. Being treated like an adult in a safe and judgement-free environment has helped me feel like a competent adult rather than a helpless child. I’m also eating better and losing weight… slow and steady.

Sarah P. - New York

Anna has a way of pulling the whole truth out of you. Knowing the problem is the most important part finding a solution.

Richard K. - New York

The best, most intelligent, human, knowledgeable, insightful and analytic therapist I have ever known.

Kyle K. - New York

Anna is a wonderful therapist. Very responsive and an excellent listener. Looking forward to seeing her again!

Rita A. - New York

I have been in therapy for almost 10 years with varying psychotherapists, therapists and family councilors. Ranging from group therapies to individual therapy sessions with my daughter and her father in order to seek help to cope and handle a difficult divorce and its later severe effects upon our daughter.

When I arrived to Anna I was on the brink of a complete breakdown both emotionally and mentally having nearly given up all hope that the situation could get better.

Anna was not only a compassionate listener who took notes all through our sessions but also an incredible adviser. Her medical experience and extensive background of practicing and researching in psychology allows her to attend to each problem with an incredible insight which both objective and personal.

She has helped me to organize my thoughts, build boundaries, accept reality and cope with hopeless situations without losing all hope. She has helped me recognize the destructive patterns of games what parenting can create and advised me how to successfully stop following those patterns.

I now feel strong and centered. I am able to draw boundaries without self doubt, learning to stop my notorious thinking patterns by simply accepting reality. I have come to solve work and friendship related problems overcoming anxiety relating my teenage daughter’s turmoils in order to be a solid parental support for her.

Anna is truly incredible, I really don’t know how i would be able to keep coping the difficulties of my life without having Anna as my blessing guidance.

Thank you, Dr. Anna Fekete!

Martina B. - New York

She’s great. I feel better after the first session, she gave me some exercises to do between sessions and it seems to be working out. I’m happy

Marco S. - New York

She is a great listener and provided great questions for me to explore. She was very helpful and I’d recommend her strongly.

Suntharee P. - New York

She is everything I need in finding myself out. Dr. Fekete is very insightful and I look forward to continue working with her to fix myself.

Neal B. - New York

Dr. Fekete is a talented therapist who can quickly help you get to the root of your issues.

Shakirah P. - New York

Dr. Anna Fekete has an approachable nature , she made me feel comfortable and I personally feel that she assessed my situation very well. I plan on seeing her again for hypnotherapy sessions .

Saraswati T. - New York

She is a very good therapist. She always responded promptly to phone calls/text messages and was very flexible with appointment times and dates. She was also available to do sessions over Skype. All this was very useful in my care as I was a busy attorney dealing with serious mental health issues. Her rates became too high for me as I had to stop working but before that she did try to work with me and offer a reduced fee. Overall, great experience and I would recommend her to others.

Terese W. - New York

Dr. Fekete helped my husband and I through a difficult separation.

Scott S. - New York

She was very patient with me – which is no easy task – and sincerely tried to help me as much as possible with my request.