to our Facilitator Training!
This is a comprehensive training program providing students with detailed instruction in the theory, practice, and methodology of Systemic Constellation work.
It is an open enrollment program allowing students to start the program at any point in time and complete each module at their own pace and convenience.
This training is FOR YOU ...
– if you wish to gain some deeper insights into the nature of your personal, relationship, business and health-related issues;
– if you are in therapy/counseling and wish to expedite or intensify the process of change and healing;
– if you are in therapy/counseling but certain issues in the process seem to defy all therapeutic effort;
– if you feel stuck in some areas of your life but hesitate to commit to counseling or coaching;
– if you are new to self-development and wish to receive a strong impetus to take charge of your life;
– if you wish to have a comprehensive training in Systemic Family Constellations and Organizational Constellations;
– if you are a professional therapist, couselor or coach and wish to learn new theoretical perspectives and new skills that you can integrate into your work.
This training is NOT for you ...
– if you suffer from any severe psychiatric disorder;
– if you are looking to replace professional medical or mental health treatment for any severe condition you might have;
– if you wish to enter the helping/healing professions without appropriate credentials, training, skills and experience.

Curriculum - Thematic Modules
Mandatory Modules
Theoretical Foundations – Part 1: The Classic Approach
Theoretical Foundations – Part 2: The Basic Methodology of a Family Constellation
Theoretical Foundations – Part 3: Systemic Thinking – Family Therapies – Research
Personality Parts & Internal Team – Part 1
Personality Parts & Internal Team – Part 2
The Body: Symptoms – Diseases – Psychosomatics
Trauma – Transgenerational Trauma – Collective Trauma
Victims & Perpetrators: Abuse – Crime – War – Holocaust – Slavery
Spiritual Constellations – Part 1: Ego & Self
Spiritual Constellations – Part 2: Jungian ‘Shadow’ Work
Organizational–Business–Corporate–Leadership Constellations
Relationship Dynamics – Part 1
Relationship Dynamics – Part 2
Systemic Structural Constellations – Part 1
Systemic Structural Constellations – Part 2
Optional Modules
Death – Loss – Grief
Individual Constellations
Online Constellations
Working with Children
Political & Intercultural Constellations
Spiritual Constellations – Part 3
Personality Parts & Internal Team – Part 3
Personality Parts & Internal Team – Part 4
Systemic Structural Constellations – Part 3
Systemic Structural Constellations – Part 4
Introduction to Psychopathology
Introduction to Psychodynamics
Introduction to Group Dynamics
Introduction to Family Dynamics
Structure of the training
Thematic Modules
Thematic Modules are short (3 hrs) but intensive educational and experiential units focusing on one topic or area.
Each module consists of a lecture, some skills training, practical exercises, self-experiential exploration, as well as possible home assignments.
Family/Organizational Constellation Workshops offer participants a safe and confidential space to work on any personal, relationship, life situation, career, or business issue with the help of the group (representatives) and the group leader.
The workshops are open to any participant on a one-off basis, no longer-term commitment is required.
Group Supervision
Group Supervision sessions are for those participants (students) who are planning to facilitate constellation work in their own practice. In these sessions, students can take their first steps toward running real-life constellations with the help of a trained therapist/supervisor. Participants work on their own issues by choosing a peer facilitator. If needed, the supervisor provides help and guidance.
Peer Practice
Peer Practice sessions are organized by groups of students without the presence of a trained therapist/supervisor. In these sessions, students work on their own issues by choosing a peer facilitator. If needed, the peer group provides help and guidance.
Observation of Other Practitioners is organized by each individual student based on their own interests and preferences, and on the availability of other constellation practitioners. The goal is for future facilitators to get familiar with a number of different styles and approaches of constellation work.
Theoretical and Practical Units to be completed within 2 years:
15 Mandatory Modules 45 hrs
5 Optional Modules 15 hrs
20 Fam/Org Const workshops 100 hrs
Group Practice/Supervision 20 hrs
Peer Practice 40 hrs
Observation of Other Practitioners 3 days
Final Exam:
2 Written Case Studies
2 Constellations
Oral Theory Exam
The Modules and Workshops can be completed at any time, in any order.
Each Mandatory Module will be offered at least once within the requested time period of 2 years.
Modules will occasionally be offered based on student request.
Family & Organizational Constellations Workshops:
clients: $280 / workshop
representatives: $100 / workshop
Thematic Modules: $100 / thematic module
Student Day Pass (module & workshop):
clients: $320 / day
representatives: $140 / day
Group Supervision: $ 80 / session / person
Peer Practice: free
Certificate of Attendance
A Certificate of Attendance will be issued after the completion of every single individual event.
The certificate will include:
– the name of the module/workshop
– the exact number of hours attended
Certificate of Completion
A Certificate of Completion will be issued after the completion of the entire Training.
The certificate will include:
– a full list of all events completed
– the exact number of hours attended
Systemic Family & Organizational Constellations – as most psychotherapeutic techniques – are taught by various different individuals, institutions, associations, and professional organizations throughout the world. There is no standard training, no standard certification, and indeed no accreditation authority to assess and compare the many different schools and training programs that are offered internationally in Systemic Constellation work.
This training does not confer to students the title of a ‘therapist’ which can only be acquired through an accredited academic training and state licensure in psychology, mental health counseling, clinical social work, psychotherapy, and similar disciplines in mental health.
The Certificate of Completion is not a professional degree in its own right, rather it is a certificate showcasing your personal and professional accomplishment. It can be used in conjunction with other degrees, certificates, licenses, and titles in mental health and business/executive coaching.
Ways of participation
Participation in the Constellation Workshops and the Thematic Modules is open to any participant.
The Thematic Modules are separate from the Constellation Workshops. You can participate in one, or the other, or both.
Throughout the entire Curriculum, you can participate in one event, or in several, or in all events.
You don’t have to commit to the Facilitator Training to attend a Thematic Module or a Constellation Workshop.
You can attend any Module or Workshop you are interested in.
If you wish to train as a facilitator in Systemic Constellations, please check out the requirements above.
You can complete all modules, workshops and other events at your own convenience: at any time, in any order.
The Mandatory Modules will be offered at least once within the required 2-year period, but – based on student demand – can be scheduled more than once. This applies to all other events and requirements, too.
One of the best parts of participating in any of our events is that you instantly and automatically become a part of a wonderful community.
No commitment is required – yet the people you share the experience of a constellation with will most likely stay in your mind and heart for a long time.
We are a bunch of people who are interested in learning about ourselves, about each other, about the human mind and the human condition, and who are interested in exploring, experimenting, and discovering.
Even more so, we are interested in having fun together and connecting with each other in a deep and meaningful way.
Dr. Anna is a wonderful teacher. Her theoretical knowledge and clinical experience are really impressive. In her workshops I thought she was only super intuitive. But it turns out she is super smart, too!
Anna’s ability to use metaphors and analogies to explain even the most complex concepts is remarkable. Her way of speaking in metaphors is an art form in itself, and not only the highest level of education but also pure entertainment.
She is funny, creative, and can turn everything into something humorous! A great teacher indeed!
I’ve been participating in family constellations for years, but I’ve never comprehended this strange yet awesome technique. Anna has the rare abiliy to break it down for you and take you through it step by step.
Also, she can translate everything into the technical terms of main stream psychology which immediately makes things seem so easy and obvious.