
  • Welcome to the Comprehensive Facilitator Training of the 
  • NY Institute of Systemic Constellations!


This program provides a comprehensive overview and training 

in the most significant aspects of the theory and practice of 

Systemic Constellation work

This is a comprehensive training program providing students with detailed instruction in theory, practice, and methodology of Systemic Constellation work.

It is an open enrollment program allowing students to start the program at any point in time and complete each module at their own pace and convenience.


Who Is This Training For?

It is for you …

– If you wish to explore more deeply various aspects of your life, personality, relationships, as well as business and career issues;

– If you feel stuck in some areas of your life but hesitate to commit to counseling or coaching;

– If you are in therapy/counseling and wish to put the process of change and healing on the fast-lane;

– If you wish to gain some deeper insight into the nature of your personal, relationship, business, and health-related issues;

– If you are new to self-development and wish to receive a strong impetus to take charge of your life;


It is for you if you are a professional therapist, counselor or coach and …

– wish to gain a distinctly new perspective on any issue your clients are looking for help with;

– wish to learn new theoretical perspectives, new skills, new practices that you can integrate into your work;

– wish to have a comprehensive training in Family Constellations and Organizational Constellations;

Who Is This Training NOT For?

It is NOT for you …

– If you suffer from any severe psychiatric disorder;

– If you are looking to replace professional medical or mental health treatment for any severe condition you might have;

– If you are looking for some easy fix in your life;

– If you wish to enter the helping/healing professions without appropriate credentials, training, skills and experience.

Ways of Participation


Participation in the Constellations Workshops and the Thematic Modules is open to any participant. You can attend any Module or Workshop you are interested in.

The Thematic Modules are separate from the Constellations Workshops. You can participate in one, or the other, or both.

Throughout the entire curriculum, you can participate in one event, or several or all events.

You don’t have to commit to the Facilitator Training to attend a Thematic Module or a Constellations Workshop.

Full Training

If you wish to train as a facilitator in Systemic Constellations, please check out the requirements further below.

  You can complete all modules, workshops, and other events at your own convenience: at any time, in any order.

The Mandatory Modules will be offered at least once within the required 2-year period, but – based on student demand – can be scheduled more than once. 

This applies to all other events and requirements, too.


One of the best parts of participating in any of our events is that you instantly and automatically become a part of a wonderful community.

No commitment is required – yet the people you share the experience of a constellation with will most likely stay in your mind and heart for a long time.

We are a bunch of people interested in learning about ourselves, about the human mind and the human condition, and who are interested in exploring, experimenting, and discovering. 

Even more so, we are interested in having fun together and connecting with each other on a really deep level. 

And did I mention having fun together …? 🙂

Educational Units

Structure of the training

Detailed Overview of the Curriculum

Mandatory Modules

Bert Hellinger & The History of Systemic Family Constellations

Systemic Constellations in Relation to Other Schools of Psychotherapy

The Phenomenological Approach

Fundamental Concepts & Principles – Hellinger’s Systemic “Laws”

                        – Place/Belonging – The Community of Fate

                        – Hierarchy/Order

                        – Balance of Give-and-Take

                        – Family Conscience – Personal Conscience

                        – Heavy Fate

                        – Systemic Entanglements

                        – “Better me than you”

                        – The Knowing Field

                        – Representative Perception

                        – Ethics of a Constellation

Modern Approaches



The Interview

Defining the “System” and its “Elements”

Representative Perception

Meaning of Positions

‘Diagnostic’ Phase

‘Resolution’ Phase

Verbal Statements and Rituals

Conclusion – Sharing – Discussion

Trouble Shooting

Leading a Workshop – Basic Principles

General Systems Theory

Basic Rules and Principles of Systemic Functioning

Influential Schools of Psychotherapy and Family Therapy

Basic Principles of Family Dynamics

The Phenomenon of Transgenerational Transmission

Transgenerational Trauma – Mainstream Psychology

Transgenerational Trauma – Hellinger’s Concepts

Research – Epigenetics – Neuroscience

Leading a Workshop – Basic Principles

Basic Concepts and Principles of Organizational Systems

‘Diagnostic’ Phase

‘Resolution’ Phase

Overlap Areas of Personal and Organizational Systems

Business Coaching and Constellations

Corporate Coaching and Constellations

Political & Multicultural Constellations

Money Constellation

Problem Constellation

Field Constellation

Tetralemma Constellation

One-Image Constellation

Table Constellation

Hidden Theme Constellation

Miracle Constellation

Goal Attainment Constellation

Life Strategy Constellation

Archetypal Constellations

Life Cycle of a Relationship

          Hellinger’s Systemic Laws:

– Belonging/Place – Previous Partners, ‘Place Makers’

– Hierarchy/Order/Arrival

– Balance of Give-and-Take

– Infidelity

– Guilt-Debt 

            The Mirror Function of a Partner

– complementing / reinforcing

– substituting / projecting, disowning

– projective identification

– shared blind spots


– Miscarriage

– Abortion 

– Grieving a Child

– Childlessness

– Twins

– Adoption

– Gender

– Artificial Insemination

– Donor-Conceived Pregnancies – Anonym Donors

          Mosaic Family

– Children of Stepparents

– Adoption

Attachment Styles – Attachment Trauma

Infidelity – Bonding Trauma

Break-Up & Divorce

Intercultural Relationships

‘Internal Teams’ of Relationships


Family Secrets

 Balance of Give-and-Take

Sin, Guilt, Debt

Penitence – Apology – Respect – Reconciliation

Owning One’s Responsibility

“I did it for you”

The Abuse Cycle

Jungian Concept of Archetypes

Jungian Concepts of Ego and Self

Archetypal Work and Constellations

Autopoietic/Transpersonal Constellations

 “Movements of the Soul”  – “Free” Systemic Constellations

Subpersonalities / Inner Selves / Ego States

Developmental Phases as Subpersonalities

Defense Mechanisms as Subpersonalities

Internal Representations of the External World

Internal Representations of the Body

Internalization – Introjection – Identification

Projection – Splitting

Personal Unconscious

Collective Unconscious – Archetypes

Working with the “Shadow”

The Nature of Trauma

Different Types of Trauma

Living with Traumatized Parents

Attachment Styles – Attachment Trauma

Trauma and the Body

Epigenetics – Neuroscience


The Meaning and Function of Symptoms

Symptom Constellation

Work with Body Parts

Work with Treatment Teams

Work with Treatment Options

Optional Modules

Table Constellation

Value System Constellation

Quadrant Constellation

Beliefs Polarity Constellation (Value Quadrant)

Screenplay (Script) Constellation

Archetypal Constellations

Birth Constellation

Sentence Constellation

“Free” Constellation – Movements of the Soul

Constellations and Transactional Therapy


Internal Representations / Object Relations


In Person


By Oneself

Children and the Unconscious

Communication with Children



Twins – Vanishing Twin Syndrome

Unborn Children

Children and Grief/Loss

Divorce, Step-Families, Adoption

Psychosomatic Symptom Development

Gender Issues

4 Elements

4 Dimensions

Working with “Spiritual” Concepts

Ego-Self Constellation

Heart-Wish Constellation

“Free” Systemic Constellation

The Meaning and Function of Symptoms

Symptom Constellation


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Anna’s ability to use metaphors and analogies to explain even the most complex concepts is just awesome.

Her way of speaking in metaphors is an art form in itself, and learning from her is not only the highest level of education but also pure entertainment. She is funny, creative, and while she is really serious and to the point, she can turn everything into something humorous! A great teacher indeed!

She is everything I need in finding myself out. Dr Fekete is very insightful and I look forward to continue working with her to fix myself.
She is a great listener and provided great questions for me to explore. She was very helpful and I'd recommend her strongly.