Your Therapy
in the Fast Lane

Do you feel that your therapy has reached a plateau? That changes are too slow?

Put your transformation process in the fast lane by insights of unparalleled clarity, unique plasticity, and an undeniable emotional impact.

Allow the cathartic strength of a systemic constellation experience to fast-track your therapy.

Training in Systemic

In Europe and a number of other countries, people use Constellation work for their personal and business issues the way they use the fitness gym for their body: for prevention, therapy, maintenance and development.

Cut ahead of your fellow coaches with this unique technique in your tool box – train to become a constellation facilitator.

Make a difference for your clients with a cutting edge technique.

Insider Information
for Your Business

What if you could look into the cards of your competitors, or see the underlying dynamics of a business conflict? 

How your partners will react to a new decision, a new coworker, or a strategic change?

See what the ‘microscope’ of a systemic constellation reveals about the invisible layers of your business.

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Dr. Anna is a really unique and charismatic personality. I am a professional myself, and I've never seen a therapist so knowledgeable and skillful in so many different techniques. Her sense of intuition is beyond comparison, and her sense of humor makes you always forget that you are dealing with the most painful issues of your life.

Watching her work is like looking at an eagle and thinking that flying is easy!

Anna is the best family constellations therapist I know. She is so funny and so down to earth, Yet, when she starts working she is like a wizard.

She perceives things that nobody else does, She is like Lt. Colombo or detective Monk! 🙂

Having met Dr. Anna is one of the best things that ever happened to me. I had been in therapy for over a decade with various counselors, but now I know the difference between a therapist and a Therapist.
She is warm, compassionate and crative, no two sessions are the same. ... She is always goal-oriented, makes sure that results are really happening, and always explains everything so clearly as you have never heard and never understood before. ... She is always funny, down to earth, and real. I never laughed so much in a therapy session before!